
Set up a show subscription

If you’re a member of the Apple Podcasters Program, after you complete your agreement, you can add subscription benefits to your show. All subscriptions must comply with our content and subscription guidelines and are reviewed before they’re available to listeners. Learn more about our review process.

Show subscriptions offer a premium experience for a single show. You can add more shows to your subscription by expanding to a channel subscription. Learn how to add your show to an existing subscription.

Create a subscription for one show

1. Add Promotions

Set up your promotion

This promotion pops up whenever a nonsubscriber tries to access subscriber audio. Your promotion gives listeners a sense of what’s included and provides a quick way to subscribe.

  1. On the show page, under Subscription, click Get Started.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. If you already have a subscription, you have the option of adding your show to an existing subscription or creating a new one for this show. To create a subscription for this specific show, select “Offer a new subscription.”
  4. Click Promote Your Subscription.
  5. Select your artwork file. Learn more about artwork requirements.
  6. Add a name for your promotion.
  7. Decide whether to promote benefits from our predefined list or enter your own description.
    • Listen Ad-Free: Subscribers get uninterrupted access to your content.
    • Subscriber-Only Shows: Subscribers unlock exclusive access to shows.
    • Subscriber-Only Episodes: Subscribers unlock exclusive access to episodes.
    • Subscriber-Only Bonus Episodes: Subscribers get access to extra episodes.
    • Early Access to Shows: Subscribers can listen to new shows before they’re available.
    • Early Access to Episodes: Subscribers can listen to new episodes before they’re available.
    • Archive Access: Subscribers can access older episodes which aren’t available to free listeners.
    • Write your own: If you have a unique benefit you want to share, write your own message.
  8. Click Save.

Set up your banner

This banner displays on any show that includes subscriber audio, giving listeners a quick way to subscribe.

  1. Click Add a Banner.
  2. Choose a promotional message or add one describing your promotion. Learn more about writing promotions.
  3. Click Save.

Set up your icon

Listeners see your icon when they confirm their payment information, on email receipts, and when they manage subscriptions in Settings.

  1. Click Add an Icon.
  2. Click Choose File to add your artwork. Learn more about artwork requirements.

2. Add Pricing and a Free Trial

Set up a monthly price

A monthly price is required for all subscriptions. Subscriptions can be priced by territory. You have access to a wide range of price points in each currency.

  1. Under Pricing and Free Trial, click Set Up Monthly Price.
  2. Select a base territory and price, then click Next.
  3. Apple automatically calculates the prices for all territories based on your chosen price point, but you have the option to set a different price for specific territories. Select territory prices, then click Done.

You can edit the price while your subscription is in review. After your subscription is available on Apple Podcasts, you’ll need to schedule a price change.

Set up a yearly price (optional)

A yearly price is optional but provides a great way to attract long-term subscribers. Subscribers can switch to yearly pricing in Apple Podcasts by selecting their Apple Account Settings in the Listen Now tab.

  1. Under Pricing and Free Trial, click Set Up Yearly Price.
  2. Select a base territory and price, then click Next.
  3. Apple automatically calculates the prices for all territories based on your chosen price point, but you have the option to set a different price for specific territories. Select territory prices, then click Done.

You can edit the price while your subscription is in review. After your subscription is available on Apple Podcasts, you’ll need to schedule a price change.

Set up a free trial (optional)

A free trial is optional, but it’s a great way to let listeners preview your subscription offering. Customers access the subscription for free for a selected duration. The duration can be three days, seven days, two weeks, one month, two months, three months, six months, or one year. Depending on the month, a one-month trial can vary between 28 days and 31 days.

Unless they cancel their subscription, listeners will be charged at the end of their free trial.

  1. Under Pricing and Free Trial, click Set Up a Free Trial.
  2. Select a duration.
  3. Select an availability period.
    • To offer a continuous free trial, choose Starting, then select the date you want your trial to be available to listeners.
    • To make your free trial available for a limited time, choose From, then select the date range you want your trial to be available to listeners.
  4. Select the countries and regions where you’d like to offer a free trial.
  5. Click Save.

You can edit the free trial while your subscription is in review. After your subscription is available on Apple Podcasts, you’ll need to schedule a free trial.

3. Add a support site

In some countries and regions, subscription services are required to provide an email address, physical address, and phone number to their customers. You can enter a website which links to that information. Apple Support remains available for any questions about billing and playback.

4. Add subscriber audio to an episode

In order to submit your subscription for review, at least one of the shows in your channel must contain subscriber audio. If you work with a hosting provider that supports Apple Podcasts Subscriptions, refer to their documentation for how to submit subscriber audio to Apple Podcasts. Otherwise, learn more about creating an episode in Apple Podcasts Connect.

5. Submit your subscription for review