Manage Your Podcast, Troubleshooting
RSS feed refresh
Apple Podcasts checks RSS feeds frequently to detect new episodes and any other metadata or artwork changes so that listeners have access to the latest as soon as possible.
These changes usually display quickly — often within a few hours. You can view the time and date when each show was last refreshed from your show information pages in Apple Podcasts Connect.
If you update your show’s RSS feed with new content or metadata and don’t see the changes reflected on Apple Podcasts after a few hours:
- Confirm your changes are saved and published via your third-party hosting provider.
- Check your show’s status in Apple Podcasts Connect. If the status displays any message other than Published, you may need to troubleshoot the show’s RSS feed from your third-party hosting provider.
- For artwork changes, ensure the new image has a different filename and that it meets our artwork requirements.
If you’ve completed the above steps, search for or select your show in Apple Podcasts Connect, then select Refresh Feed.
If these changes are still not processed after selecting Refresh Feed, contact us.