Manage Your Podcast

Statuses in Apple Podcasts Connect

The status indicates immediately whether your show, episode, channel, or subscription needs attention.

  • A red status indicator means that you need to perform some action before your show, episode, channel, or subscription can be available on Apple Podcasts.
  • A yellow status indicator means that some process is ongoing, controlled either by you or by Apple.
  • A green status indicator means that the show, episode, channel, or subscription is ready for or available on Apple Podcasts.

Channel and subscription status

Channels and subscriptions are reviewed separately. Your channel can be available on Apple Podcasts and any shows or episodes without subscriber audio are available to your listeners while your subscription is being reviewed. Learn more about the review process.

Status Description
Draft Your channel has not been submitted to Apple. Make sure to follow our content guidelines and submit for review.
Published Your channel was approved and is available on Apple Podcasts. If your channel includes a subscription, it was also approved and is available on Apple Podcasts.
Subscription in Review Your channel was approved and is available on Apple Podcasts. If your channel includes a subscription, it is currently in review.
Subscription Unavailable Your channel was approved and is available on Apple Podcasts; however, we found an issue with your subscription. Address the issue by following our content guidelines and resubmit your channel for review.
Removed (Issue Found) Your channel did not pass the review process. Address the issue by following our content guidelines and resubmit your channel for review.
Removed and Archived (Issue Found) You archived your channel and subscription because you no longer want it to be available on Apple Podcasts or need to manage it. If you restore the channel, you will need to resolve an issue with the channel before you submit it for review.
Archived You removed the channel, subscriptions, and any subscriber audio from Apple Podcasts. When you’re ready you can restore your channel.
Archived (Subscription Issue) You archived your channel and subscription because you no longer want it to be available on Apple Podcasts or need to manage it. If you restore the channel, you will need to resolve an issue with the subscription before you submit it for review.


Show and subscription status

Shows and subscriptions are reviewed separately. Your show can be available on Apple Podcasts and any episodes without subscriber audio will be available to your listeners while your subscription is being reviewed. Learn more about the review process.

Status Description
Archived You archived your show because you no longer want it to be available on Apple Podcasts or need to manage it. Learn how to restore a podcast.
Draft Your show hasn’t been published. Make sure to complete all required metadata fields, and when you’re ready, submit your show for review.
Ready for Release Your show is approved and ready but not yet available on Apple Podcasts. The show will be available on the Release Date provided. 
Removed by Creator You removed availability for your show, so it is no longer on Apple Podcasts. If your show included a subscription, it is no longer available on Apple Podcasts.
Removed (Issue Found) There is an issue with your show and it’s not available on Apple Podcasts. Resolve the issue and resubmit your show for review.
Removed and Archived (Issue Found) You archived your show because you no longer want it to be available on Apple Podcasts or need to manage it. If you restore the podcast, you will need to resolve an issue with the show and resubmit it for review.
Show Published Your show was approved. If you have at least one episode with a Published status, your show is available on Apple Podcasts.
Subscription in Review Your subscription is currently in review. If your show has a Published status, it is still available on Apple Podcasts.
Subscription Unavailable There is an issue with your subscription. Address the issue by following our content and subscription guidelines and resubmit it for review.


Episode status

Status Description
Archived You archived your episode because you no longer want it to be available on Apple Podcasts or need to manage it. Learn how to restore an episode.
Draft Your episode hasn’t been published. Make sure to complete all required metadata fields, and when you’re ready, publish.
Published If your show status is Published as well, your episode is available on Apple Podcasts.
Removed (Issue Found) There is an issue with your episode and it’s not available on Apple Podcasts. 
Removed and Archived (Issue Found) You archived your episode because you no longer want it to be available on Apple Podcasts or need to manage it. If you restore the episode, you will need to resolve an issue with the episode before you publish it.