Marketing and Promotion

Four tips for getting featured on Apple Podcasts

New shows and episodes launch every day — and Apple Podcasts wants to help podcasters, both creators and networks, find their audience. We’re always looking for new episodes, shows, and channels to feature. Our global team of editors reviews the ever-growing catalog regularly and hand-curates content to help your episodes, shows, and channels get in front of the right listeners at the right times.

Find out how to craft your request to our editorial team, create compelling art, and time your submission to improve the chances of getting featured.

Tip #1: Use the promotional request form

We track all requests through the feature request form. To ensure your episode, show, or channel is on our radar, make sure the form includes all the information we need to feature your work. Find the balance between providing enough information to help us consider your request, and keeping the information manageable so we can review quickly.

Your feed must be live on Apple Podcasts in order to submit a feature request. Enter the exact title, URL, and category of your content. Requests must be submitted two weeks in advance of the desired featured date.

What we look for:

  • Fresh perspectives
  • Unforgettable stories
  • Stimulating conversations
  • Insights on niche or topical issues
  • Compelling benefits for subscribers

The best requests include:

  • Compelling subject line
  • Engaging and brief synopsis
  • Clear description of the podcast’s format (interview, narrative series, or conversation)
  • Brief background on the hosts and guests
  • Brief overview of marketing, social, and PR plans with dates
  • Artwork that meets our specs
  • Details about how your content will appeal to audiences
  • Context on why this is the best time for a feature from an audience’s point of view
  • Description of any subscription benefits (exclusive, bonus, early access, or ad-free content)

If your request is not selected for a feature, we encourage you to submit a new request after six to eight weeks. Use these guidelines to make your next request the best it can be.

Tip #2: Submit eye-catching art

The first thing users see when they visit the Browse page is the carousel at the top of the page. This art — more than anything else — is what initially catches a potential listener’s attention.

Any request for a position at the top of Browse requires a Hero art submission for consideration. If art isn’t included, or is not formatted correctly, it will not be eligible for a spot in this placement.

Take a moment to double check that the file you’re submitting follows our template for featuring art. Network and sponsor logos are not allowed.

The best art intrigues potential listeners. The tone, colors, and images should all work together to give potential listeners an idea of what to expect when they tap play. You can read more about Apple Podcasts art requirements, guides, and templates.

If you’re pitching an episode with a well-known guest, include a licensed or authorized image of the guest within the asset you submit. Do not upload art you don’t own the rights to, or use art or photos you have not properly licensed.

Make sure to submit featuring artwork that is visually distinct from your show artwork so that it does not appear repetitive. Think of Hero art as an extension of the audio content itself, communicating to the audience what to expect when they listen.

Tip #3: Optimize your feed and episode title

Features on Apple Podcasts take a number of forms, and in some cases, your metadata will be reflected as part of the feature. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Keep episode titles brief and focused. Give listeners a taste of what to expect, in a way that makes them want to know more.
  • Leave episode numbers and metadata out of your title. Including them in your titles can cause important information to be hidden from view. We recommend focusing on including descriptive titles for each episode. If you do want to include episode numbers in metadata, review our best practice recommendations for numbering episodes on Apple Podcasts.
  • Always keep the audience in mind. Posing a hypothetical question, stating a headline, sharing a guest’s name, or hinting at the next turning point in a narrative are all great approaches to crafting a title that will intrigue and compel listeners to hit play.

Tip #4: Timing is key

There are multiple ways to time a feature for maximum impact with an audience. Consider the following when timing your feature request:

  • Apple Podcasts lead time and weekly updates. We refresh Apple Podcasts at least once a week in most countries or regions and the majority of updates are published on Mondays. If you request a Monday as the feature date, your request will fall naturally within our planning, which increases your chances of getting picked up. We also ask for at least two weeks of lead time, which allows us time to reach out to you if we need anything for your feature.
  • Your social, marketing, and PR plans. A feature on Apple Podcasts can be one important part of your marketing plans, but it should not be your only plan. Including your plans for social, marketing, and PR on the form can help us align with your other outreach. Also, share how Apple Podcasts mentions will be incorporated into these plans.
  • Consider the rest of your feed. Take a look at the larger picture of what your show has to offer when reaching potential new fans. A narrative series, for example, might have more success with a feature timed after a few episodes are published, allowing listeners to binge and become hooked. Keep an eye on the Browse tab and get a sense of the way similar shows approach this.
  • The news cycle. There’s a surprising amount of nuance around this aspect of your timing. Ask yourself what would make your content a standout feature in this moment. Being a bit ahead of everyone else doesn’t hurt, either. You can also consider requesting a feature at a time your content provides an escape from what everyone is talking about.

Whether you are submitting a feature request for a channel, show, or episode, look at the form as a direct opportunity to help us understand what we may not know about your content. Be sure to provide all of the details we’ll need to take action right away if we do select your submission for featuring.

What’s next after your submission

After you've submitted your feature request, we may contact you if we need more information. If you aren’t selected, try again in six to eight weeks with your next request. We’re committed to featuring and supporting amazing content from talented creators, and giving audiences an incredible experience on Apple Podcasts.