Troubleshooting, Artwork

Troubleshoot artwork issues

One of the most important elements of your podcast is the artwork. Artwork can help build an audience and illustrate the central idea behind a podcast.

Review our guidelines for podcast artwork

Troubleshooting artwork changes for RSS feeds

You include artwork within the RSS feed and can change it at any time by updating the image file URL specified within the <itunes:image> tag. Our system automatically detects and updates it on Apple Podcasts within 24 hours.

If your podcast artwork doesn’t update, make sure the new image file:

  • Is listed within the <itunes:image> tag on your podcast RSS feed
  • Has a different filename than the previous one. Apple Podcasts might not update the image if it checks your feed and the new image URL is exactly the same as the current image URL.
  • Does not contain an Alpha Channel.
  • Meets the artwork requirements

You can also review the Last Refresh date and time in Apple Podcasts Connect to confirm the last time our system updated your podcast. If it’s been more than 24 hours and you don’t see the changes, contact us.

Troubleshooting artwork errors in Apple Podcasts Connect

Alpha Channel not supported

Transparency of your image isn’t properly reflected in the file. To resolve, change the alpha channel setting on your image in your preferred image editor or follow these steps in Preview:

  1. From the menu, select File.
  2. Choose Export.
  3. Deselect the checkbox next to Alpha.
  4. Click Save.

Colorspace not supported

Apple currently only supports image files that use RGB colorspace. To update your image file to RGB colorspace, use your preferred image editor or follow these steps in Preview:

  1. From the menu, select File.
  2. Choose Export.
  3. Select PNG from the Format list.
  4. Click Save.

File does not meet dimension requirements

The size of your image is not quite right. Review our artwork requirements to learn about required artwork dimensions.