Artwork requirements
Your artwork is what helps listeners visually identify your podcast and should represent the brand or logo of your show. Creating interesting and compelling artwork can help your show attract new listeners and gain new followers and subscribers. As a general rule, keep artwork simple and legible.
Artwork must be original and can’t contain any of the following:
- Blurry, misaligned, mismatched, or pixelated images
- Explicit language
- Placeholder images
- Apple Inc., Apple Podcasts, or iTunes Store logos
- The terms Apple Inc., Apple Podcasts, Apple Music, iTunes Store, or iTunes
- Visual representation of Apple hardware
- References to illegal drugs, profanity, or violence
- References to content not available on Apple Podcasts
For inspiration, go to New & Noteworthy shows in the Browse section on Apple Podcasts.
Artwork guidelines and templates
Use the templates below as a guide and follow the technical specifications and instructions to create and deliver all assets. Both JPG and PNG are acceptable file types, with the exception of Channel Logo artwork, which must be a transparent PNG.
Show Cover
A successful Show Cover makes a visual impact and immediately draws in listeners with simplicity and legibility. This artwork is required.
- Should only contain your show name and key art. If an additional logo must be included, limit to no more than one.
- Avoid putting important artwork elements at the bottom fifth of your image as they may be obscured by play progress, labels, or subscription offerings.
- Should not contain an Alpha channel.
- Placement: Everywhere
Device support: iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and tvOS
Size: Square; 3000 x 3000 pixels. If you’re submitting your show via RSS feed, Apple Podcasts accepts show cover artwork ranging from 1400 x 1400 to 3000 x 3000 pixels. The largest size is preferred.
- File type: JPEG or PNG
Sample and template
Channel Icon
A Channel Icon is a graphic symbol that represents your channel and is used in large and small sizes throughout the Podcasts app. Think of this as your channel’s profile pic. It is the first thing that a potential listener sees when searching for your channel. Your icon can be imagery, something abstract, or typographically based. This artwork is required.
- Avoid using small, detailed imagery.
- Icons should be legible at small sizes.
- Ensure the icon is centered and keep in mind that it will be cropped into a circle.
- Placement: Listen Now, Search
Device support: iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
Size: 3000 x 3000 pixels
File type: JPEG or PNG
Sample and template
Channel Logo
A Channel Logo is delivered as a transparent PNG file. It is overlaid on either your Channel Background color selected in Apple Podcasts Connect or your Channel Background art supplied to Apple. To set your Channel Background color, enter a hex value or open the color picker and select the shade you want. A hex value is a six-digit code used to specify a color.
- Use horizontal logos.
- Center your logo within the template and do not extend it beyond the template.
- Maximize the available template space by scaling the logo to the edge of the template.
- Be mindful of the logo color to ensure it is legible when placed onto the Channel Background. For example, do not use a white logo on a white background.
If using a secondary logo, create a lock-up with the primary channel logo that maximizes the template space.
Don't separate primary and secondary logos, deliver as a non-transparent PNG, or place the logo in a container.
- Placement: Channel Page
Device support: iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
- Size: 3000 x 750 pixels
File type: transparent PNG
Sample and template
This icon represents your subscription offering when a listener confirms their payment information while subscribing. This artwork is required.
- Keep the design simple and legible at small sizes.
- The design should represent the brand of your subscription offering.
- Placement: Promotional Banner, Payment screen, Active Subscriptions list, email notifications
Device support: iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
Size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
File type: JPEG or PNG
Sample and template
Promotional Banner Icon
Subscription Promotion
Subscription Promotion art appears when a listener tries to play content that requires a subscription, and on a channel or show pages that have subscription offerings available that a listener has not yet subscribed to.
- Feature the name of your subscription offering.
- Give your subscription a distinct visual branding separate from your shows and channels.
- Do not include UI overlays.
- Placement: Channel Page, Show Page
Device support: iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
Size: 3000 x 3000 pixels
File type: JPEG or PNG
Sample and template
Subscription Promotion
Episode artwork appears on devices with iOS 17 or later on the Now Playing screen and Queue; the Lock Screen and Control Center; in Up Next on Listen Now; on show and episode pages; and through link previews in other apps, including Messages, Mail, and on social media platforms.
This artwork is optional but is a great way to highlight the episode’s content or guests while drawing in listeners with additional visual interest.
When episode artwork is not supplied, Apple Podcasts will continue to display show artwork. Apple Podcasts will also default to show artwork when multiple shows are presented together to help orient listeners.
Creators can publish episode artwork via RSS using their third-party hosting provider. For subscriber episodes, it can be uploaded in Apple Podcasts Connect.
- Fill the entire template with art.
- Give your episode artwork a distinct visual branding separate from your show and channel artwork. Do not use your show cover as episode art because the two will be displayed together.
- Episode titles are displayed in the UI under the artwork so avoid repeating the episode title in episode art.
- Keep all essential design elements within the Art Safe Area. Anything placed outside of the Art Safe Area is subject to cropping and or UI overlays.
- Placement: Now Playing, Lock Screen, Control Center, Listen Now, show and episode pages
Device support: iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
Size: Square; 3000 x 3000 pixels. If you’re submitting your episode via RSS feed, Apple Podcasts accepts episode artwork ranging from 1400 x 1400 to 3000 x 3000 pixels. The largest size is preferred.
File type: JPEG or PNG
Sample and template
Apple Podcasts also supports chapters, which allow listeners to quickly browse and navigate to segments of an episode. When creators add chapters to an episode, they can also provide artwork for each chapter. As listeners progress through an episode with chapter-specific artwork, they will see it displayed in Now Playing and on the Lock Screen, providing a timely visual supplement to the current interview, conversation, or story.
Learn about using chapters on Apple Podcasts.
- Placement: Now Playing, Lock Screen
Device support: iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
Size: Square; 3000 x 3000 pixels
- File type: JPEG or PNG