Marketing and Promotion

Make the next great podcast trailer

Movies and TV shows use trailers to entice viewers or get fans excited for a new episode. Podcasts are no different. A good podcast trailer helps you get your show out in front of the right people.

Not all trailers are the same.

Podcast trailers are created with different goals in mind. Check out a few of the types of visual or audio trailers you can make.

Coming soon trailer. A coming soon trailer is used to tease a brand-new show before it launches or to get listeners excited about a new season or series.

Show trailer. Think of the show trailer as your podcast’s highlight reel, featuring your most exciting content, sound bites, and quotes. Show trailers appear wherever you need to introduce your show, like on your social media channels and your website. These trailers can help people decide if they want to commit their time to your podcast.

Teaser trailer. Similar to TV, podcast teaser trailers are usually played at the end of your show to promote the next episode. Give your listeners a reason to come back by previewing a few captivating moments from the next episode.

Write your show trailer.

It can be hard to narrow down the best moments of your show, but keep your trailers to two minutes or less. Start an outline to help you stay within the time limit. Take a look at a standard outline for a show trailer.

1. Introduce your show.

Start off by introducing your show and hosts to let people know what and who they’re listening to. Then provide a brief explanation of what your show is about. If you need inspiration, think back to the tagline you wrote while developing how to present your podcast

2. Share the highlights.

Find the moments from your show that define what the listening experience is like. If you interview guests, include your favorite quotes. If you tell stories, lead with details that help establish your narrative.

3. Make them want more.

Near the end of your highlights, build some tension or curiosity by introducing the problem in a story, providing a sudden twist, or leaving them with an unanswered question by a guest.

4. Give them a call to action.

Last but not least, give your audience a clear next step to take. Make sure listeners know when they can find new episodes, and don’t forget to mention they should follow the show. 

Here are two examples of trailers that hook listeners right away.

Serve up your sound.

Think about what sounds your listeners associate with your show. If you have recurring background music, make sure to include it. If you have an infectious laugh or a unique catchphrase, include it. Using sounds your listeners connect with can help you connect with new listeners as well.

Get your trailer out there.

After you have a trailer, use it wisely. If you’re launching a new podcast or starting a new season, use your trailer to build hype on social media. Share links that ask your followers to listen to your trailer or to post it directly on social media themselves. You can even embed your trailer on your or someone else’s website. 

If you want to reach new audiences, consider cross-promoting your trailer. Find podcasters to partner with, and share each other’s trailers on your respective shows to boost the number of ears your trailer can reach.

Add some video.

If you’re looking to get some eyes on your trailer, consider adding visuals. Visual trailers help grab the audience’s attention and play well on social media. Keep in mind that you’ll need different formats for different platforms and types of posts. For instance, a square-cropped video may work best for your Instagram feed, but you’ll need a vertical video to post for Instagram Stories.

Now that you’ve got a grasp on podcast trailers, learn about marketing features to help you grow. 

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