Apple Podcasts App

Apple Podcasts Charts

Apple Podcasts Charts present a dynamic view of the most popular and trending content on Apple Podcasts.

About the charts

With Apple Podcasts Charts, listeners can easily explore the Top Shows, Top Episodes, Top Subscriber Shows, and Top Subscriber Channels available at that moment.

Top Shows and Top Episodes

Organized by market, Top Shows and Top Episodes can be filtered by category and are regularly refreshed throughout the day. By default, each chart displays the top 200 free and subscription results per market across all categories. Listeners can filter charts to a particular category by tapping All Categories from the top right and then selecting a specific category, such as News or Comedy. For example, a U.S. listener can view the Top Shows in Sports in the U.S as of that moment.

Top Subscriber Shows and Top Subscriber Channels

Listeners can also browse the top shows and channels with subscriptions on Apple Podcasts with Top Subscriber Shows and Top Subscriber Channels. Top Subscriber Channels displays channels with two or more shows. Both charts feature the top 100 results, refreshed throughout the day, and subscription content across all categories.

Find the charts

On iOS and iPadOS, listeners can easily find Top Charts on the Search tab. On macOS and tvOS, they’re located under Charts. Listeners can also find Top Shows, Top Episodes, Top Subscriber Shows, and Top Subscriber Channels featured throughout the Browse tab on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, or by navigating to the Charts page. Top Subscriber Shows and Top Subscriber Channels are available on iOS 15.5, iPadOS 15.5, and macOS 12.4 or later.

What the charts measure

Apple Podcasts Charts reflect the most popular shows and episodes available in a given market and are designed to help people discover what to listen to next. They do not reflect all-time listening records and are not a measure of the largest podcasts by listenership.

Top Shows and Top Episodes

While the exact algorithm cannot be shared to protect its integrity, the charts measure a mix of the following:

  • Listening: When listeners are engaging with episodes, it’s an indicator of content popularity.
  • Follows: When listeners follow a show to receive new episodes, it’s an indicator of their intent to listen.
  • Completion Rate: When listeners complete episodes, it’s an indicator of content quality.

Top Subscriber Shows and Top Subscriber Channels

In addition to the above criteria, Top Subscriber Shows and Top Subscriber Channels measure the engagement with subscriber episodes. They do not represent the total revenue generated or the most profitable subscriptions.

Ratings, reviews, and shares

Although ratings, reviews, and shares also help indicate a podcast’s newness, popularity, and quality, they are not factored into the algorithm that determines the rankings for Top Shows and Top Episodes. In other words, they may not help people find a podcast on their own, but they influence whether people will listen or follow, and those factors influence the charts.

For these reasons, it’s important for creators to encourage listeners to leave a rating and review for their show on Apple Podcasts and share an episode with someone who will enjoy it.


Top Shows and Top Episodes are available in over 170 countries and regions. Top Subscriber Shows and Top Subscriber Channels are available in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia. All charts will only feature channels, shows, and episodes in the countries and regions where creators choose to make them available. Learn how to manage the availability for your show.

The integrity of the charts

The charts account for additional characteristics to ensure all shows have a fair chance of ranking, so altering podcasts with the sole intent of increasing chart rankings is discouraged. Automatic downloads are not factored into rankings, and rankings cannot be purchased or sold. Apple Podcasts monitors the charts regularly to ensure they reflect genuine user engagement.

As a reminder, encouraging or causing any activities that interfere with the integrity of Apple Podcasts are against the content guidelines. If you would like to report suspicious activities, or have any questions, contact us.

How to improve your ranking

What’s the best way to make your way on and up the charts? Make an incredible show that is unmissable for listeners. When your show appears in the charts, use the Social Asset Generator to spread the word. Learn more about the Social Asset Generator.